"In the vast expanse of the ocean, where mysteries abound and life thrives in uncharted territories, Nova West emerges as a beacon of creativity and inclusion. As a National Geographic Explorer, Video Engineer for the EV Nautilus, and wildlife filmmaker specializing in expedition and underwater cinematography, Nova’s journey is as fascinating as the depths they explore..."
Read More. "OCL are supporting Nova’s National Geographic project which aims to tackle 2 goals - change the way we see nature and the ocean and call in marginalised communities and get them more involved in wildlife spaces and conservation efforts..."
Read More. Nova's Explorer page is officially live on the National Geographic Directory. You can read more about them here.
Photos by Nova West.
"During this three-week expedition, our team collected 245 eDNA samples, filmed hundreds of hours of midwater video, and mapped 5000 square kilometers. Successful collaborations require exceptional teamwork, and we were thrilled to see the level of professionalism, flexibility, and diligence exhibited by every person on board..." Read More. "Nova West joins us on this episode. Nova is a wildlife, adventure, and underwater videographer, as well as an artist, filmmaker, and photographer. They also sail on the E/V Nautilus as a Video Engineer and Expedition Documentarians, operating deep-sea ROV camera systems and filming significant research and exploration operations. Diving for Rays, Nova's first independent documentary is now available for global streaming on Waterbear Network..."
Listen Here. An expedition summary by Nautilus Live, footage by Nova West
"Our NA155 expedition was a successful example of ocean exploration collaboration! Our multi-vehicle exploration of Geologist Seamounts featured the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography’s Deep Autonomous Profiler Lander, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s HROV Mesobot, and the University of New Hampshire’s USV DriX, all hosted by Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus. Working together, Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute (OECI) partners streamlined communication, mapping, and sample-collecting efforts in this relatively unstudied region of the Central Pacific..." Watch Here. "We're back with an exceptional episode - with an even more super-exceptional guest! LGBT Outdoors, meet Nova West. They are a wildlife filmmaker - working with the likes of National Geographic, Discovery, and Netflix, to name but a few. And an artist. And a published photographer. And an environmental educator. They are just... incredible! In this episode, host and co-host get to chat with Nova about their early life, coming out, and what it takes to be 'leader of the gays' at National Geographic..."
Listen Here. "The Media Lab is a rigorous filmmaking fellowship program for the next generation of scientists and content creators. Lisa Samford, Jackson Wild Executive Director, expresses her excitement about the chosen Fellows, stating, “We are thrilled to welcome this group of individuals and look forward to supporting them as they hone their storytelling skills in Jackson.”
This year, the Media Lab was slammed with over 200 applications. Out of these, only sixteen individuals were selected. This highly sought-after program is designed to nurture scientists and media creators, enhancing their abilities to craft engaging narratives about science, nature, and conservation..." Read More. "The Jackson Wild Media Lab is an immersive, cross-disciplinary science filmmaking workshop that brings scientists and media creators together to learn from leaders in the profession and work together to develop effective tools to communicate about science, nature and conservation with diverse audiences across the world’s evolving media platforms.
Jackson Wild, in collaboration with Day’s Edge Productions and HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, is proud to announce the 2023 Jackson Wild Media Lab Fellows. The selection committee was deeply impressed by the passion and talent of the over 350 applicants from across the globe, with 16 Fellows selected for this rigorous professional development cohort..." Read More. "When we’re little, we all dream of the jobs we’ll have when we’re older, some of mine included superhero, mermaid, vet, estate agent and boat driver (I didn’t know the words ‘skipper’ when I was four). But it often takes a role model, who reflects something back to us that we recognize in ourselves, for us to take our own dreams seriously enough to pursue them. In absence of this, we can think our dreams are unachievable and settle for something less - and that’s exactly what this story is about..."
Listen Here. |